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Old 09-04-2002, 09:46 AM
Jhawkalum Jhawkalum is offline
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Question Poll: Does your community.....?

I've read that some local panhellenic associations in some communities (such as Dallas) hold information sessions for PNMs to find out about recruitment at particular schools -- I've also heard this a way for PNMs to get networks for recs. Do your community have these information sessions, and how do they go about organizing them?
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Old 09-04-2002, 10:15 AM
dzrose93 dzrose93 is offline
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Thumbs up

The Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Association holds an information session for all interested girls and their parents every spring. When the visitors arrive, they are offered soft drinks and are allowed to look through various rush manuals from Southern schools. (Panhellenic sends out requests to the schools for them each year.)

The girls cannot take the manuals, but they can look through them while they are visiting. Then, they are given handouts with FAQ about sororities, the NPC's anti-hazing and risk management policies, and reasons why people go Greek.

After a while, everyone is seated and a guest speaker talks to the girls about sorority life and answers questions. This year the speaker was a recent graduate of a Southern school who shared highlights of her sorority experience. Then the past president of the alumnae association will talk to the girls about how they should go about getting alumnae recommendations over the summer, and the girls are given rec forms to fill out with their resume information.

At no time does ANYONE let the girls or parents know what their sorority affiliation is. We are there to answer questions and encourage the girls to rush -- not to pump up our own organizations. For this reason, no one is allowed to wear anything with letters -- no badges, jewelry, etc. Even the guest speaker does not name her sorority.

Hope this helps!
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Old 09-04-2002, 12:19 PM
aopirose aopirose is offline
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Two versions

The New Orleans Alumnae Panhellenic Association conducts an information session very similar to Atlanta. The event is held at a local library. The most difficult part is getting the names of girls. It is a little difficult due to the nature of the school system and privacy issues. First the schools are divided into public, private (secular and religious), and Catholic (Archdioceses affiliated and non-affiliated). None of the schools give out contact information. For some schools, if you bring them the ready-to-mail information, they will put the labels on and sent them out. Other schools don’t even do that because they view it as unwanted solicitation. Our best resources come from family members who have school directories and go from there. Unfortunately, this leaves the public school girls out most of the time. We had a tremendous turn out this year with over 80 PNMs showing up. Last year we had only 4!

The Northshore Alumnae Panhellenic Association is a whole other kettle of fish! I am not even sure if it is an official NPC group (i.e. pay dues to NPC). (Background: In the late 80’s early 90’s, the LSU Panhellenic Council requested assistance from local alumnae chapters to boost awareness. If the alumnae could arrange a meeting place and handle the invitations, each chapter would send no more then 5 collegians and 2 alumnae to man a table. Each chapter table could have a brag board, t-shirts, cups and so forth. Speakers would give an over view of Recruitment, philanthropy, scholarship, life as a collegiate member, life as an alumna, etc.) This group still does it this way. Everyone is encouraged to wear her badge. Unusually, it is held at a church hall, but this year it was at a VERY NICE catering facility. (AOII chaired this event and the chairwoman did a fantastic job!) The only none LSU chapter there was AOII. We have a chapter nearby at Southeastern La. University. In this parish, the school board will supply mailing labels. We have to work harder for the other schools. Although most of the 115 PNMs that came we going to LSU, about 80% of the women that I talked to, there were a decent amount going out of state or to Southeastern. It would have been nice to have other groups represented as well. Many other NPCs don’t come because it seems geared to LSU. While that maybe true, it is still good to get your name out. It would also show that even if a girl pledges AGD at Bama there ARE AGDs in her home area. I had a few issues as JAM already knows and hopefully some things may be resolved for next year
Love me some him.
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Old 09-04-2002, 12:46 PM
justamom justamom is offline
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To the tune of the Beach Boys' "Wouldn't it be Nice"
edited for clarity-Not what I want-just how it is...a bummer!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up and the other GLOs would all be gone.
And after sharing lunch together,
Write each others' recs the whole day long!
Those little PNMs we are swearing,
Only our GLOs letters will be wearing.
Oh wouldn't it be NICE!

Last edited by justamom; 09-04-2002 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 09-04-2002, 12:57 PM
Jhawkalum Jhawkalum is offline
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It would be really nice for women who are heading off to big schools (but don't live in areas with strong greek communities) to know a little bit more about recruitment and where to finds recs for EVERY sorority. I grew up in a city where being greek wasn't big, which made it very hard to find recs.
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Old 09-04-2002, 01:31 PM
justamom justamom is offline
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I couldn't agree more! aopirose and I have had a VERY difficult time with some alums being too controling of the situation.

I like DZrose's program.

I think I'll edit my post so it doesn't appear that's how I want it----
That's what I'm up against. Ultimately, it's BOTH the PNMs ad GLOs that get hurt!
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Old 09-04-2002, 06:04 PM
oldhasbeen oldhasbeen is offline
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local panhellenic association

My small town (50,000 or so) has a very loosely organized Panhellenic Association. Each NPC alum group who wants to participate pays a small amount for dues every year. Near the end of the school year, an ice water tea is held for PNM's and their moms and the GLO's can set up displays and answer questions. The PNM's then turn in an information sheet, school transcript and picture for each NPC group that has a chapter where they are going to school. These are disbursed to the representatives for each group so that we can get recs written for our local girls. We advertise this event in the local newspaper and rely heavily on word of mouth because we are unable to get the schools to give out information for us or provide addresses for Senior girls (understandably). We will accept the information packets as long as possible, so they can be turned in even if the girls don't get to go to the tea.
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Old 09-05-2002, 07:55 PM
violets violets is offline
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So Interesting!

My goodness things are really different in the Northeast! We have a hard time getting NPC alumnae to participate in the Panhellenic here. Wouldn't it be great though, if we could do some events that publicize Greek Life to young women who will be attending schools across the country? My heart goes out to young women who are from the Northeast and unwittingly try and rush in the South and West without any preperation, it very often does not work out well. (And really, the prep wouldn't be so much, just a little info and some recs would give them a leg up.)
Hmmm, your posts have really got me thinking...but you know I always come up against the famous;"it's just not like that here, it's not like we live in Geogia." This is the argument against every pro-active or even fun, NPC event any enthusiastic alum suggests.
It's funny how these groups are always "run" by a very tiny group of members who are dedicated to keeping it the same year after year. I think they actualy like the fact that its very small.
I my mind its time for a revolution!
Maybe that's wishful thinking, but we'll see...
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Old 09-05-2002, 10:51 PM
oldhasbeen oldhasbeen is offline
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re: interesting

I may can give you a tiny bit of help if you need it - I don't have a lot of knowlege about local panhellenics, and granted, I AM in the south! Our Panhellenic Assoc. never meets with the exception of one planning meeting prior to the ice-water tea in the spring. We don't raise any money, because the $10 each group pays a year for dues is enough to pay for whatever printing and postage the group needs. We don't even have any real officers, just a couple of volunteers (rotating from group to group) who will take on the responsibility of planning things (usually for a couple of years at a time). Our only aim is to promote and support our local girls when they go through recruitment. With so few requirements it isn't really a burden on anyone and has worked this way for many years. Many times an individual will join for their NPC even if there is no alum group to back them up, just so they can write recs for our hometown girls. Works for our little town, anyway!

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Old 09-06-2002, 01:10 PM
violets violets is offline
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Thanks for the advice. I think we may be able to apply quite a few of your ideas here. I especially like the rotation of officers, I think this would definitely help!
thanks again,
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