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Old 07-02-2003, 03:54 AM
collegegrl collegegrl is offline
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Rush Advice/Opinions..?

I enjoy reading the posts on GC and I have finally decided to post my first message...Hopefully I will get opinions or advice on my story: Should I Rush Again?

During my first year in college, I went through formal recruitment and continuted all the way to pref night. I was given a pref to one house so I was guaranteed a bid to that house. It seems that bids are guaranteed once you make it to pref night. But I decided not to join that house and discontinued rush after pref night. I felt that just starting college was overwhelming and I needed time to adjust to a new school.

During my second year in college, I went through formal recruitment for a second time. Almost all my friends were greek and my friends that were not greek were attending rush with me as sophomores. We helped each other pick outfits for rush and prepare. I had a great time during rush, I knew the houses and campus better.

Rush lasts for 5 days, on the 5th day bids are given out. The first 2 days were great, I got every house I wanted except one. I felt the conversations went well and there weren't awkward silences. That is why I was very surprised to find out...for the 3rd day I was cut from all the houses but one. I only went to one house on the 3rd day and I was not asked back.

I was really disappointed that rushing in the fall did not work out because I really wanted to join a sorority. My sophomore friends that rushed with me ended up joining different houses. They encouraged me to rush again in the spring. Since my friends were new members, they didn't know much about their sororities. Later I find out that their house was under quota and random freshman were given bids a few days after formal fall rush had ended. It confuses me that I was cut while some people still had opportunities to join after rush had ended.

The next opportunity for me was informal spring recruitment. Three houses were open, but I was only able to attend one because the times for activities conflicted with each other. My friend was in this house and informal rush lasted a few days. This was my 3rd rush and I did not get a bid.

After all this, I still feel that I want to join the greek community. But, I do not think I can go through formal rush again. I will be a junior and I feel I am too old. It is also disappointing to not receive a bid after rushing so many times. Why was I declined a bid? What advice/opinions/recommendations do you have for/against rushing again?
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Old 07-02-2003, 08:28 AM
MoxieGrrl MoxieGrrl is offline
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In one word....yes!

I agree with you...go through informal. Not because you don't have a chance going through formal, but it must be exhausting for you to go through that process again. Do you like the houses that your friends are in? Make your intentions known to them, then attend their chapters' open recruitment events. Try to attend as many as you can, and if you cannot attend one, try to send your regrets to their contact person (usually membership chair).

As for why you were declined a bid...I don't know. There is no use dwelling on it now. Get out to those events, look your best, be confident. There have been a few GC members that have gone through recruitment multiple times, and they usually had happy endings. I'm sure a few of them will post to give you some advice.

Whatever you decide...Good luck!!!
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Old 07-02-2003, 08:39 AM
AOIIalum AOIIalum is offline
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Re: Rush Advice/Opinions..?

Originally posted by collegegrl
But, I do not think I can go through formal rush again. I will be a junior and I feel I am too old. It is also disappointing to not receive a bid after rushing so many times. Why was I declined a bid? What advice/opinions/recommendations do you have for/against rushing again?
Most importantly before I say another word, thanks for sharing your story. If you want to rush again, then do it. IMHO, perhaps informal would be a better fit for you instead of going through formal again. Make the decision that's best for YOU, no one else! If you decide to go through again, let your other sorority friends know you want to go through!

Having said that, I do have a couple of questions for you. They may not explain why you didn't get a bid, but may help you make your decisions about rushing again.

First, do you know if juniors typically get bids on your campus during either Formal or Open Recruitment? Unfortunately, on some campuses the most desirable new members are freshmen, as they will be active and involved for 4 full years. If that's the case, will you be graduating on schedule? If you'll be around for longer than two years (did you change your major? take time off to work, intern or travel?) then let the sororities know that. If you're on a campus where juniors and seniors do get bids, then more power to you!

Also, what are the GPA requirements for your school's sororities? Are your grades higher than that? Another "unfortunately" is that although a sorority may list that their minimum GPA to join is 2.25 or 2.5, in reality most sororities are looking for girls with a 2.75, 3.0 or even higher! Make sure your grades are where they really need to be, because if they're too low it really can hurt you in recruitment.

Good luck and please let us know what happens. We're all here for you, no matter your decision
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Old 07-02-2003, 09:38 AM
Bama_Alumna Bama_Alumna is offline
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First, do you know if juniors typically get bids on your campus during either Formal or Open Recruitment?
This is important! Where do you go to school? Some of the super competitive schools (LSU, Bama, UGA, etc.) may be less open to juniors. If that is the case where you are, definitely look deeper into informal recruitment. Talk to your greek friends and find out more about their sororities. Tell them you are interested! They may think that you have lost interest in joining a glo.

I also agree with AOIIalum about grades. What is your GPA? If it is below a 2.75 or so, that may be a problem.

Attend the events you hear about and try to be as upbeat and enthusiastic as possible. You don't have to wear head-to-toe designer clothes, but definitely look your best.

Good luck!!! We all wish the best for you and hope you find a sorority you love.
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Old 07-02-2003, 09:39 AM
aephi alum aephi alum is offline
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Go for it!

MoxieGrrl and AOIIalum have given you some good advice.

At some schools, there is a separate junior/senior quota, or juniors and seniors are not counted toward quota, so you may actually find it easier to get a bid as a junior than as a sophomore.

If you're not graduating on schedule for a "legitimate" reason (e.g. you changed your major, or you decided to double major or earn a minor, so it will take you another semester or year to finish up - as opposed to failing and having to retake a bunch of classes) then make mention of that, both on your formal rush application (if you do FR) and at parties.

As for formal vs. informal, well, it's up to you. Formal rush gives you the opportunity to see all the sororities and potentially get a bid from any of them. It also means you'd be able to be an active sister for one semester more than if you waited for informal. But as you know, FR is a high-stress situation. Informal rush is more laid back, but limits your options to those sororities that are participating, which might not be sororities that interest you - and if rush schedules conflict (as you've already seen) it narrows your options even further.

Talk to your friends who are in sororities. They may be bound by silence rules for the summer, but if not, take advantage of the opportunity to do a little "pre-rush" - make sure they know you're interested, ask them what it was about ABC or XYZ that made them choose that sorority, and see if maybe you can meet some other sisters whom you don't already know.

Good luck!
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Old 07-02-2003, 10:15 AM
texas*princess texas*princess is offline
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everyone here has given you wonderful advice!

I would definately say that if you want it, you should definately try again. Not everyone here found their greek homes during their first recruitment! Some have went through rush 1, 2, or even 3 times before finding the house of their dreams.

If you don't decide to go through rush again, you may always wonder 'what might have been' if you had decided to rush again and perhaps finding your home.

I was a transfer student to my current school, and debated long about trying out formal recruitment my first semester. I decided not to, partly because I wouldn't be able to move until the middle of recruitment week, but as soon as Spring semester came around, I was calling the Greek Affairs office to see if any sororities would be holding informal, and eventually joined my sorority and absolutely loved it! I was also a junior at the time, and had also just changed majors, so I would be around longer than just my senior year.

I would definately say go for it - whether you decide formal or informal is right for you - because you never know what may happen!

Best wishes to you collegegrl!
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Old 07-02-2003, 06:08 PM
justamom justamom is offline
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The first part of your situation described how you turned down a bid-no big deal. If you didn't feel you belonged there, you made the right choice. Then came this section...

The next opportunity for me was informal spring recruitment. Three houses were open, but I was only able to attend one because the times for activities conflicted with each other. My friend was in this house and informal rush lasted a few days. This was my 3rd rush and I did not get a bid.

I don't know the size of your campus, but I do know that if you have friends scattered about the different sororites, this COULD be a factor. I will assume that your campus does pledge Sophomores and Juniors, I will also assume your grades and activities are above average and your style is comely. If this does describe you, you may be giving the impression that you really don't have enough time to dedicate to the sorority. I'm not saying it's a factor, but it could be.

All the above advice is excelent. I do think (Who said it?) that you should let your intentions be known to your CLOSE friends. Do not go beyond that because you might appear "needy" when you should appear confident and present youself as an asset.
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